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SeaRoute Communications Ltd
Parent Company LogoMISSION & VISION:
Nigerian News Leader is an Independent newspaper published by SEAROUTE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED and set up to promote and deepen Nigeria's democracy through the presentation of news and analysis of issues, debates and ideas, etc. This news medium presents a balanced coverage of news, issues and events in the best interest of Nigeria and her citizens. It owes no allegiance to any individual, interest group, religious body, political party or ethnic community. It's primary commitment is to the integrity and sovereignty of the federation of Nigeria and Africa. It is a liberal newspaper committed to the best tradition of professionalism and excellence. This newspaper believes it is the responsibility of the Nigerian state and it's relevant institutions to protect the interest and safety of her citizens irrespective of their economic, social, political and cultural conditions. NIGERIAN NEWSLEADER subscribes....who we are
A free press (media) is the great interpreter between the government and the people. To allow it to be fettered is to be fettered ourselves" - Justice George Alexander Sutherland..

Celestine Okafor, Mnipr
Nigerian NewsLeader(NNL)
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